The "M" Family Portraits at Long Hill in Beverly, MA

One of the greatest joys I have after almost thirteen years of photographing weddings is when I get to see my couples again for updated portraits. Fortunately for me, Emily & Dale reconnect every year or two to do just that with each side of their family. And, every time they do, I count down the days as soon as we set a date. Getting together with them is like a family reunion. The kids keep growing. We spend lots of time laughing together. We explore the chosen location. And we capture fun portraits while we’re at it. This spring I traveled down to Long Hill in Beverly, Massachusetts to catch up with them and meet the latest edition to their family. I also added another line to my job description as I perfected my bee wrangling skills to keep them away from the youngster. (Don’t worry! No bees were harmed in the making of these pictures.)

It truly is a blessing to get to capture their family together. Thank you for hanging out with me, “M” family! I can’t wait until we get together again. Beach next time, right?

Long Hill Beverly Massachusetts Portraits