The "P" Family Annual Portraits at Limington Rapids in Limington, Maine

Oh be still my heart. Every fall for six years or so I've been getting together with Jess & Tim for their annual family photos. It started back when they were waiting for their daughter's arrival when we took their maternity portraits out of Peaks Island while waiting to attend a wedding. Since then we've met up at their home, the Old Port, a Christmas Tree farm, Kettle Cove... it's hard to believe how much the kids have grown over the years. (And I foresee a blog post in my future recapping my growth with photography over that time, too.)

This fall we met at the Limington Rapids, a picturesque area near my home. The weather was less than ideal with the rocks slick with new rain and the kids were at the tail end of a busy day (meaning they all needed a bit of a nap). But we powered through. We checked out the rapids, looked in the pools for little critters, watched big trucks go over the bridge and even went to some of my favorite spots that remind me of prehistoric dioramas (in search of dinosaurs, of course). Together we pulled out a super fast session with lots of memories made and photos freezing this day in photos for years to come. Because they won't be little for long and soon they'll be running off on their own adventures.

Jess & Tim, thank you for giving me the honor of capturing your family over all these years. As always, I had a blast!

I sent off their full session to them weeks ago, but they gave me the ok to share a small sneak peek in advance of their holiday cards. Picking my favorites to share was definitely a challenge!