Week 4 of 2021: Water
“Tiny Waterfall” (52 Frames: Week 4 of 2021)
I started participating in a weekly photography challenge three months ago and have been posting every week for the past 12 weeks. I have found it to be very inspiring to go out every week with a “mission” to keep my streak. Although I haven’t been posting the images here on my blog, I thought that doing so might inspire some of you to join me. If the idea intrigues you, you can find my profile over on 52 Frames and check out the challenges. And you don’t need to have a fancy camera to take part. Let me know if you sign up!
The theme for week 4 of 2021 was water and the extra credit was to use a shutter speed of 1/4000 or higher. My post for the week was titled “Tiny Waterfall”.