Sarah & Sam's Two Lights State Park Engagement Portraits in Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Many of my couples find me through a "matchmaker". For Sarah & Sam, their matchmaker was Kristan, but their circle of friends that I've had the fortune of working with is one of the most extensive I've ever had. I love it when that happens so serendipitously! Knowing even a few of their connections to me before we formally met, I knew that they would be awesome to work with. And boy was I right!

Yesterday we met for the first time in real life (thank you to Google Hangouts for providing our virtual meetings before now!) at one of my favorite spots in the greater Portland area. Two Lights State Park in Cape Elizabeth is an awesome location simply because of the wide variety of scenery that you have in one spot. Sarah & Sam are both big fans of Maine's rocky coastline, which instantly made me suggest that we meet there. The sunsets from that part of Cape Elizabeth are also pretty spectacular!

As we explored the Park together, I loved learning more about the two of them and their plans for their 2016 wedding while sharing lots stories and laughs. What struck me the most during our walk was how naturally perfect for each other they are. Sam looks at Sarah and he just cannot help but beam this giant smile that you only see when they are this in love. And Sarah is such a natural beauty who perfectly fits with Sam with no prompting needed. They are just... perfect for each other. I know it seems cliche, but they really are.

We wrapped up our time together by visiting the boardwalks at the nearby Kettle Cove Beach. I love ending our sessions there as it has great views of the sun as it sets over the Maine coastline, which is harder to find from the main land than you might think. For what was potentially going to be a stormy afternoon, Mother Nature kept her act together and gave us the gift of a terrific day together. I cannot wait for their 2016 wedding!

Here is a sneak peek from the full gallery that I'm preparing for them from their session. I will admit that it was super hard to select only these six. They are naturals in front of my camera!